Instructions for Poster Presentation

Instructions for Poster Presentation

Each poster presentation is allotted one poster board (as shown below). Presenters should use pushpins to put up their posters. Pushpins will be prepared by the Secretariat.

Instructions for Poster Presentation

Poster Display & Presentation date & time

The title of the poster, all letters, graphs and charts should be prepared beforehand in a size that is easy to see. A set-up date and time of poster is below:

Set-up date & time

August 17, AM 8:30 - PM 6:00

Presentation and Discussion date & time

August 17, PM 4:15 - PM 5:15

During the presentation time, presenters are expected to present their posters in front of the poster boards and discuss it with their participants.

For those who would like to bring back one's own presentation poster, please remove it in the removal time as below.

Removal time : 8:30 a.m. - 10:30 a.m., August 18 (Sun.)

Please note that any posters remaining over the removal time will be disposed of by the Secretariat.

